Keyboard Shortcuts in Translation module

Keyboard Shortcuts in Translation module


  • Scope: Lists and describes the keyboard shortcuts available in the TANGO Supplier Portal translation module
  • Intended Audience: Any Supplier Portal user
  • Report errors to: CBG Support Center


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Keyboard Shortcuts


IntroductionIn the TANGO Supplier Portal Translation module, there are a number of keyboard shortcuts that can be used, instead of mouse actions, in order to work more efficiently.

This page lists all (or most, at least!) of those shortcuts.


Keyboard shortcutsThe following keyboard shortcuts are available in the Supplier Portal Translation module. More will be added as the system matures.

"Caret" is another name for the cursor!

Shortcut Function Comments
Ctrl + F Focus the Search form  
Ctrl + H Show and focus the Search & Replace form  
When the caret is in a segment
Tab Go to next segment  
Shift + Tab Go to previous segment  
Ctrl + Down Go to the next "not done" segment  
Ctrl + Up Go to the previous "not done" segment  
Ctrl +  ENTER Mark as done and go to the next "not done" segment  
Caret movement and text selection
Right arrow Move the caret to the next character in logical order Right for LTR scripts, left for RTL scripts
Left arrow Move the caret to the previous character in logical order Right for LTR scripts, left for RTL scripts
Ctrl + left arrow Move the caret to the beginning of current/previous word  
Ctrl + right arrow Move the caret to the end of the current/next word  
Up/down arrow Move the caret up/down a line  
Home Move the caret to the start of the current line Note that this does not currently work with the Numpad Home key
End Move the caret to the end of the current line Note that this does not currently work with the Numpad End key
Ctrl + Home Move the caret to the start of the editor (before the first character) Note that this does not currently work with the Numpad Home key
Ctrl + End Move the caret to the end of the editor (after the last character) Note that this does not currently work with the Numpad End key
Ctrl + A Select all within the current segment  
Text editing
Enter Insert line break  
Escape Exit the currently edited group

E.g. If you double-click an editable Shared Text, the edition scope is limited to that Shared Text.

Pressing escape takes you back to the main segment.

Ctrl + Shift + Space Insert non-breaking space   
Ctrl + Q Copy TU source segment content to the target segment This will overwrite any existing text in the target segment
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action  
Ctrl + Y Redo the last undone action  
Ctrl + Space Inserts the next tag into translation at the current caret location

All target languages (although may not work for Chinese)

Ctrl + , Inserts the next tag into translation at the current caret location All target languages
Hints dropdown TM Matches / Terminology / Duplicates / Spellcheck  
Alt + Down Focus on the dropdown  
Alt + Up Focus back on the target segment  
Left / Right arrow Switch tab in the dropdown from Summary, to TM Matches, to Terminology, to Fuzzy Duplicates  
Up/down arrow Select the previous/next item from the dropdown  
Enter Insert the selected translation