Supplier Portal 1.11.0 - Supplier's Release notes

Supplier Portal 1.11.0 - Supplier's Release notes


  • Release date: 25 Jul 2023
  • Version: Supplier Portal 1.11.0

Release detailsSO Requester is added to the offer email

  • This line will be positioned after the "Project reference person" line, and it will contain both the company legal name and the short name, for example:
    • Invoiceable to the following CBG company: CBG Konsult & Information AB (CBG Sweden)


Other improvements

  • Improved performance when a user adds words to the personal dictionary. The performance gain will be most notably visible in case of tasks in which majority of the TUs have been translated when the term is added / removed, and especially in case when the term is present in only a few TUs.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Editor that, under certain circumstances, cropped vertically the last match item in the list in the hints dropdown, making it to be only half visible. After the fix, there is a new scrollbar if the div overflows.
  • Fixed a bug in the Editor that used, without indicating it, regular-expression pattern on the matching for Search & Replace.
  • Fixed a bug in the Editor that prevented the Search & Replace feature from forcing re-running validations on the affected TUs, and didn't un-mark the TUs as done.