Supplier Portal 1.10.3 - Supplier's Release notes

Supplier Portal 1.10.3 - Supplier's Release notes


  • Release date: 15 May 2023
  • Version: Supplier Portal 1.10.3

Release detailsEdition of comments

  • Added a small "Edit" button to the comment in the pop-up, next to the Delete button.
  • Upon clicking the "Edit" button, the fields used for adding a comment will be filled with values from that comment, and the comment itself will be highlighted.
  • During edition, the user can cancel the edition of the comment or submit the changes.
  • After the hand in is done and translation goes to the next step, the comment will not be editable anymore for anyone.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that produced the order of tags not to be checked.
  • Fixed a bug that kept the Editor loading and prevented users to confirm segments and continue working correctly after they run some find/replace.
  • Fixed a bug that, when changing segments and confirm, moved the Editor to the top of the page and prevented the user to scroll down.