Logging in to the Supplier Portal

Logging in to the Supplier Portal

Once you have your login details, visit the URL below:


The main page of Supplier Portal will appear, and you can log on by clicking on a "Log in" link at the top right corner, or by pressing the button "Click here to log in" in the middle of the screen.

This will bring you to the login screen:

Your login is your email address, and your password is the password you set when you activated your CBG account.

If you can't remember your password, you can reset it using the Forgot your password? link below the Login button.

Please use Google Chrome!

It is HIGHLY recommended you use the Google Chrome web browser to access the Supplier Portal.

The Supplier Portal has only been tested using Chrome, and using other browsers to access the Supplier Portal can cause (and has caused) problems for people trying to use the site.

Chrome can be downloaded here:



Session expiryThe Supplier Portal has an automatic time-out after 60 minutes of inactivity.

If you approach session expiry, the system will show a prompt allowing you to extend the session. If you do not react to the prompt, your session will automatically end and you will have to log in again.